I. am. exhausted. and. apparently. emo.
But that should be nothing new...the emo part that is. The ticket to Seoul has been bought, coffee is still piling up, and I still have to repack so I can fit all my crap into my bags. FML. I've been getting coached on becoming a minimalist, which is great, to be quite honest. When I move to Korea, I would like to not fill my life with crap--but of course, who would honestly say that they want to fill their life with crap? I just know me...If I end up collecting too much stuff, things will be difficult to deal with. I believe I'll be okay for the first couple of months. Let's just hope that I keep up with this "no more crap" notion.
Speaking of "no more crap" notions, Good God Almighty! I'm friggin' sick of these attack ads!! Ugh! You all know I'm a Socialist Democrat...And you probably realize that I'm voting against Mark Kirk, Bill Brady, etc. I'm just soooooo sick of these ads. I'm also sick of The Tea Baggers. But that is for another time. Just know that I hate Sarah Palin.
I've actually worked myself up so much that I can't continue.
I'll write later.
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5 years ago