Sunday, July 13, 2014


It's been quite sometime since I've visited you all on zee blog. Sorry about that. Life tends to get in the way of everything and I sit here wondering "Hey, remember that blog you use to write? You gonna do something with that again?"

So yeah. Sorry.

If you follow astrology at all, you've probably heard of this Mercury retrograde stuff. And if you don't follow it, there is this thing called Mercury retrograde and it was basically screwing up everyone's lives. So if you felt odd during the months of May-June then that's what was happening in the good ol' universe. Well, thank God that it's friggin' over because damn, life kinda sucked for those two months. Now, July is here, and everything is on the up and up! HUZZAH!

My dear sweet friend, B, has come back to Korea for the summer, just in time for the humidity to sink in. Our summer camp starts at the end of July and I'm super pumped to be working along side of her again.

Last month I participated in this Kimchi study where I was given lunch and dinner for 10 days to study the effects of kimchi on a person who didn't grow up eating it. It was delicious (except for the fish--blarg) and healthy, plus it was free food. ^^ Pictures are up on Instagram if you care to see the yummy meals.

Oh--and if you've been redirected here because of Instagram, Welcome! ^^

July has been pretty fabulous thus far. Birthday parties. Birthday brunches. Hair cuts. Nails. Reconnecting with old friends. Making new ones. And lots of picture taking.

On the book front...oh yeah...remember that book I was writing. Still editing. And editing. And editing. But there is progress that is being made and I'm super excited about it. Since February I have been working with this amazing editor who has really helped me to shape the story and challenge me as a writer. I'm so blessed and thankful for her.

The sad thing about this time of year, is that because the spring term is ending so soon (like next week!!) it means that I'm going to be saying goodbye to some really special people. One of these is my friend Robyn, who has been here for 19 months and I wish it could be a lot longer. You should peep her blog too--she is truly more diligent than I am and I'm amazed by her discipline to get stuff done. I have learned a lot from her (and I could stand to learn a whole lot more) but I'm thankful with the time I've gotten to know her and for the times we spent together.

So that's it, for now my dears. I hope to update more this week, as I will need a break from my report card writing. For reals.

Stay excellent!


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