Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer in the City Part II: Electric Boogaloo

So the last time I wrote, I was on the quest for my 2009 summertime jam.

My quest was fruitful, as I have found BOTH my songs--the daytime upbeat song and the nighttime song...

First, the day: Gold Guns Girls by Metric

And then came Smashing Pumpkins' The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning. You'll remember the lyrics if you are a Pumpkin head and remember that AWFUL Batman movie with George Clooney but it was called The End Is The Beginning Is The End. It's just been remixed and someone made a video of an eye that gets covered up by...well...I'll just let you take a gander, if not a listen.

So there it is folks. My summer songs of 2009. Lick it up baby, lick it up!

1 comment:

  1. I was just watching this Pumpkins vid for the trillionth time and I think that brown eye belongs to Paul McCartney...what's your thoughts?
