Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Mere Update On All Things Good

There is really zero time to be doing this but I feel that I have to at least update you slightly on what has been going on.

Round two of edits has been completed! THANK GOD! HALLELUJAH!

Editing is a harrowing process. It really is. But it is nearly over--we have a few testers who are reading it over and they will be giving us feedback. The early comments are pretty positive, which, quite frankly, I'm over the moon about that.

I actually wrote a Facebook note that only a few readers were privileged enough to see (my apologies dear readers, leaving you out may have been intentional but it was necessary to let only a few people see how crazy I really am), and the subject of said note was about editing. Editing the story. The eventual editing of this blog to make sure potential readers and fans of mine would not view any questionable material.

As JSJYC put it, "You're a celebrity now."

Am I? Maybe, maybe not. I mean, surely, that is the desired outcome. The next big thing. I can't begin to tell you the possibilities I feel from this creative venture. This is going to be big. I know that I shouldn't say such things...but I cannot contain myself anymore. I'm that little kid in the back of the classroom who has so much enthusiasm because she knows the answer THE question.

In other news, more friends have left Korea...I know I've said that it's the nature of the beast but just doesn't get any easier when people you come to know, respect, and care for leave the ROK to go back home. I know that I feel tremendously at home with Korea, more so than I have ever been in America. It's like I was displaced. And before you ask, yes, I miss my family. It kills me daily to look at the pictures of my niece and nephews that my sister has sent to me through snail mail, email, and posts on Facebook. But sometimes you are meant to be somewhere. And I was meant to be here. If that ever changes, then it will be time to go home. For now, Seoul is home.

In other other news...Grad school has been weighing on my mind again...and this time I'm not considering an MFA...I'm thinking more of a Masters in Education or in TESOL. We'll see how it all pans's just in the early stages of a thought process. There are too many unknown variables to postulate any sort of definitive answer. You'll just have to stay tuned.

Until then, dear readers and true believers....until then..


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