Friday, July 5, 2013

Think of something clever....doh!

I sneeze in pairs. True story. I know people who sneeze three times in a row, but I'm not one of them. Even if I sneeze 5 times in a row, I know that one more will be coming to even it out.

I haven't the slightest as to why I just gave you that interesting (was it really?) tidbit about me. Maybe so you would feel that you know me a bit more. Maybe so you could find someone else like you. Words, feelings, memories are meant to be shared.

Let that last part sink in.

Words. Feelings. Memories. They are meant. To be. Shared.

I just finished reading Lois Lowry's book "The Giver" because I am teaching it to my highest level student. He is so wonderful to talk with. He is a 6th grader and he loves books. And he loves talking about them. Analyzing them. He isn't afraid to say he doesn't understand something, which I find that many students are. He is probably my favorite student that I teach because we can just sit and talk about books. The concepts of them. The themes. Whatever.

We have read some challenging ones together: "Farhenheit 451," "The Lord of the Flies," and now "The Giver". Next we are reading "The Red Badge of Courage." I remember reading that on my own at the request of my dad. I really enjoyed that one so I hope he will too.

I hope that once I start having children of my own that they will come to find solace in books as I have. I know that some kids just aren't into them...but I will be one of those parents who will avidly read to her children and take them to a magical place called The Library. ^^

As far as book editing is concerned... (yes. Not much of a transition there) it is finished. Hallelujah!!
We finished up the editing last Sunday and sent it off for a proper assessment. The assessment editor will tell us if we have everything ready to go or if we need to edit further. I'm obviously praying for the former but all in all, I just want the book to be perfect. So if it's another round of edits to get it right, then so be it.

It's just been nice to have somewhat of a life back. Not that writing is a terrible waste of one's time. But it is consuming in time, energy, and sometimes sanity. But there is nothing I'd rather do. I love teaching children in Korea but I know it won't last forever. But who knows? Maybe it will.

I will have more time to update the blog now that I'm seemingly done with the edits. So there is that. But if you care to have more of a connection with me, you can always follow me on twitter: @thatsheagirl

Summer is in full swing in Korea, which means it is incredibly humid and hot. Not a fan. I didn't care for it in Florida and I certainly don't like it here. But at least I can have a fall, winter, and spring to look forward to.
So that's something. But to be honest, I'm sitting in Starbucks, admiring the view. And from where I am sitting, all is beautiful. I just won't go outside. ^^

I suppose that's all for now. See you soon.

Love and Light,

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